Patrick Mounir Naeem Attia

CS Student at the GUC

A little about me

I know that I am not perfect, but I always seek to do things perfectly, I am also a hard worker and quick learner, so what ever you bring my way, I will always be able to master it.


As of 2015, I am a member of the GUC RoboCup team, Our team have participated in the Robocup comptetion agent rescue simulation in Leipzig and we were qualified for the semi-final.

Working Experience

Currently, I work as a Backend Developer at a start-up in Egypt called Unplugged

In the backend team, we use laravel framework in php to build the backend of websites.

My Projects

In the German university in Cairo we do a lot of projects, here are some of the project and they are still growing.


Booking Website

This is a website developed for Academic purposes, it is a airline ticket reservation system, It was our project in the Software Engineering course, each team had a different company we were KLM

Go to Website Code Repo

2D Game

One of my first projects I have madde was this game , it a 2D Card board game namely Yugi oh it was my first gateway to the use of GUI in java.

Code Repo

Simple OS

A simple Operating System that works on a 16-bit computer with a single process unicore processor.

Database Engine

A Database Engine with basic operations such as select, insert, update, delete and an implementation of B+tree to be used as index.

Mips Processor

This is a java implementaion of the Mips simulator with a subset of its insturctionsand it can run an assembly program for mips.

Code Repo

Chatting Application

Through the use of Scoket programming we have made a simple chatting applications through several servers.

Tomasulo's RiSC

Simulating a processor that utlizes Tomasulo's Algorithm, the processor has a memory hierarchy with adjustable latencies and sizes, adjustable stations. .

Code Repo